Tuesday 4 September 2018

My explanation writing

WALA: writing to explain how things work.  I explained how sound waves work from an explosion.


  1. Wow!!!

    I never knew sound waves are created by explosions and how it is the same as waves in the water. This is some good information about sound waves and how they are created. So if the explosion is really loud will that effect the sound waves and make them even more louder as well as the vibration? keep up the awesome work =)

  2. Greetings Paige.
    Your work about sound waves has taught me quite a lot! I like how you explained how sound waves are created by explosions and how it responses to water waves too! If the explosion responds slower what will happen to the sound wave? Although this is very effective and would teach people a lot of things they hadn't already known about. Keep up the amazing work!


Thank you for you helpful, positive comment on my work.